Sunday, June 5th, 2016 – 7:15 am
Woke up and there was no coffee. Nooooo! Walked down a few blocks to Bueno Vista Market. It was a Mexican grocery. I was the only gringo there lol! Everyone was very nice and helpful. I grabbed a few supplies to bring back to the apartment. Made some coffee and picked my driver for the race today. Drank some coffee and watched TVCC online.
11:30 am
After Brennon woke up we decided to go check out an E-Sport Arena. On the way we stopped by Bueno Vista Market to grab a “real” burrito. OMG. The best burrito ever. Everything was fresh and tasted amazing.

12:53 pm
Arriving at the E-Sport arena. The clouds parted and rays shined on this place. Brennon loves it. We need one of these in Paris. OMG!

3:06 pm – I want this internet lol!