June 8th, 2016 8:53 pm After the Criss Angel show Brennon and I headed out to the strip.
Luxor & Criss Angel… bam snap!
June 8th, 2016 4:35 pm Arrived at the Luxor in Vegas baby! Our room….
I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name…
June 8th, 2016 12:47 pm Brennon and I started the journey from Dana Point, CA to Las Vegas, NV. We went from 65 temps to 115 in a matter of hours… crazy! We had never been to the desert. I would not want to get stuck in it because I am sure I would die…
In and Out before Vegas
June 8th, 2016 11:55 am Thank you Denton for suggesting these inexpensive morsels.
109°are you kidding me? Bam snap lol!
Leaving Dana Point, CA & Going to Las Vegas, NV – Concern lol! We told Mrs. Robin, who owns the apartment we are renting, that we were going to Las Vegas for a day. The first advice she gave was to make sure we have a full tank of gas and lots of water. Brennon and…
Huntington Beach, CA
June 7th, 2016 8:12 pm Brennon getting ready to go fishing.
Pizza Loca – June 7th, 2016
6:34 pm Yummy pizza for a great price. Grab you one if you are in downtown Santa Ana, CA.
ESports Arena – June 7th about 12:30 pm
We decided to go the ESports Arena, Santa Anna, CA, to chill for a while before going to Huntington Beach. 4:31 pm. Still here lol! This place is awesome. A quick video showing a spin around view. Crazy speeds!
Stacks – June 7th, 2016 about 11:30 am
Dana Point, CA. I had butterscotch & banana & Brennon had chocolate chip. Yummy goodness!
ESports Arena June 6th, 2016 about 9:30 pm
Santa Ana, CA. We decided to do some gaming and get our daily fix of the www lol! Here is Brennon playing some CSGo competetive.